Online Application Your Info Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Name * First Name Last Name Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Adoption Questions Which cat are you interested in? * Do you own or rent your home? * Rent Own If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have this animal? Yes No How long have you lived there? * Are you 18 years or older? * Yes No Please list the ages of all people that live in your household, including yourself. * Is everyone in your household aware of your intent to adopt? * Yes No Does anyone in your household have allergies to cats? If so, please explain how you plan to manage them. * Will this be your first cat? * Yes No Do you own other pets? If so, please list their name, species, age, and a brief description of their personality. * Tell us about your past pets. What happened to the pets you no longer have? * What inspired you to adopt a cat at this time? * Are there any specific characteristics or personality traits you are looking for in a new cat companion? If so, please list them here. * As the adopter, I am aware it may take several weeks for a new cat to fully adjust to a new home, new humans, and other companion animals. I am committed to helping the cat acclimate to their new home. * Yes No Please list the name of the veterinary clinic you go to and their phone number. If this is your first pet, please list the veterinary clinic you plan on using. * Have you ever surrendered or rehomed an animal? If so, please explain why. * What factors could cause you to surrender or rehome your cat? * Are you employed? * Yes No As the adopter, I will keep the cat as a strictly-indoors pet * Yes No As the adopter, I agree that the cat will NOT be declawed at any point in its lifetime * I agree I do not agree In the event the adopter becomes unable or unwilling to keep or properly care for the cat, the adopter will contact The Way Home Rescue to help rehome the cat * Yes No Adopter understands that the animal has been rescued and its complete medical condition and behavior history is generally not known to The Way Home Rescue. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the animal's good health, but not every condition or disease can be ruled out. The Way Home Rescue recommends you to take your new pet to a veterinarian within the first 10 days of being adopted for a well-kitty check-up * I will do a well-kitty check-up within 10 days I will not do a well-kitty check-up We have a 48-hour change of heart policy, please acknowledge this with a yes as your answer * I confirm that the information provided here is truthful. The Way Home Rescue will verify this information and any falsification of information discovered will be grounds for The Way Home Rescue to arrange for the return of the cat to The Way Home Rescue. I understand that The Way Home Rescue may refuse adoption based on the information in this form. * Yes No Adopter Signature (typing your name and current date below will act as a legal electronic signature to this application) * Thank you!